Wednesday, April 21, 2010


1. Circumstance: noun, situation, condition.

His arrival was a fortunate circumstance.

2. Ambition: noun, result desired or sought after.

The crown was his ambition.

3. Predict: verb, to foretell the future.

Further studies are done to predict the weather.

4. Tolerance: noun, the act or capacity of enduring; endurance.

My tolerance of noise is limited.

5. Congestion: noun, overcrowding; clogging.

Dubai is facing a severe traffic congestion.

6. Terminate: verb, to bring to an end; put an end.

I will definitely terminate my contract.

7. Involve: verb, to engage or employ.

This job involves long hours and hard work.

8. Configure: verb, to design or adapt for some specific purpose.

The planes are being configured to hold more passengers in each row.

9. Claim: verb, to assert or maintain as a fact.

She claimed that he was telling the truth.

10. District: noun, a division of a territory.

England owns a lake district in it's north-west.

11. Eliminate: verb, to remove or get rid of.

The objective is to eliminate the enemy.

12. Transcript: noun, an official report supplied by school for a student.

I am waiting to receive my transcript for university application.

13. Enhance: verb, to raise the value or price of.

Rarity enhances the worth of old coins

14. Retrieve: verb, to recover or regain.

He is excited because he retrieved his fortune.

15. Conflict: verb, to fight or contend; do battle.

There are conflicts between parties.

16. Aspiration: noun, the act of aspirating; breath.

His aspiration is unusual today.

17. Inquiring: verb, to seek information by questioning; to ask.

They were inquiring into the incident.

18. Illustrate: verb, to furnish, to make clear.

To prevent misunderstandings, let me illustrate.

19. Investigate: verb, to examine; study.

The police are investigating the murder.

20. Mystery: noun, anything that is kept secret or remains unexplained.

The mysteries of nature are incredible.

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